

One simple tip paired with a great recipe, guaranteed to make you a better cook. Tasty tidbits delivered every Thursday.

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A Faster, Easier Way to Pie

Welcome to summer - aka the best time of year, because the stores and markets are overflowing with juicy, fragrant, perfectly ripe produce. Gorgeous piles of peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, and berries are everywhere and they have never looked fresher, sweeter, or more appealing. The abundance of beautiful fruit always seems to be begging to be made into pie, and I start dreaming of all of the fruity pie goodness ahead. But if I had to be honest, I have to say that while I truly like...

Fresh Tomato Sauce

Fresh Tomato Sauce It's the best use of ripe summer tomatoes Now that summer is upon us, I’m imagining all of the ways I can use the bounty of beautiful, fragrant seasonal fruits and veggies that are stacked at the market. Tarts and pies with mounds of plums and nectarines will be made. Cobblers and crisps oozing with sweet, jammy berries will be baked. And tomatoes, finally coming into their own, will play a starring role in so many dishes - grilled cheese sandwiches perfected with a thick...

Pasta Frittata ~ The Best Use of Your Leftover Pasta

Pasta Frittata is the Best Use of Your Leftover Pasta If you're like me, you struggle with cooking the correct amount of pasta. I never err on the side of not quite enough. I know that 3 oz of dried pasta per person is perfect, but then I begin to doubt that it’s REALLY enough and add a little more. And a little more, And a little more. Just to be sure. And invariably, I end up with WAY more cooked pasta than we will eat for dinner. I put it in the fridge with grand plans of enjoying leftover...
aguas frscas

Aguas Frescas ~ The perfect summer drink

Aguas Frescas The perfect summer drink I’ve recently discovered Aguas Frescas or Fresh Water. In Mexico, where we’ve been for a while, Aguas Frescas is on the menu at every restaurant, and large 5-gallon jugs of brightly colored fruit juices can be found at every market and food stand. I’m embarrassed to say that I had never tried them as I can be a bit of a picky eater (yes, I know!). But now that I’ve (finally) discovered how fantastic Aguas Frescas are, I simply can’t get enough. This week...
clear drinking glass with red liquid

Sangria Season Is Here

Sangria Season Is Here Red Sangria As summer approaches, I start to imagine spending warm afternoons on a breezy porch, sipping something light and fruity. It’s a sure sign that Sangria season has arrived. Evoking memories of your parents’ block and pool parties, Sangria has become a mainstay of summer. No party or barbeque is complete without a pitcher of Sangria filled with orange and lime slices, ready to refresh thirsty partygoers. Sangria is a Spanish punch that combines wine with fruit,...
streusel topped cake

Streusel Makes The Coffeecake ~ And more is ALWAYS better

Streusel Makes The Coffeecake And more is ALWAYS better I think we can all agree that the best part of a coffee cake is the streusel topping. Not that there is anything wrong with the cakey part. I just think that it’s not truly a coffee cake without a thick layer of crumbly, streusel-y topping. Otherwise, it’s just cake. Crumble makes the cake Streusel, at its core, is simply a mix of melted butter, sugar, and flour that have been combined and left to cook and harden into little chucks of...
vegetable dish on black round bowl

The Best Way to Cook Gnocchi ~ No boiling water needed

The Best Way to Cook Gnocchi No boiling water needed I’m going to tell you a secret. Ready? Here it is: Gnocchi doesn’t need to be boiled. What’s more, gnocchi is infinitely better when it’s not boiled. Today, I’d like to introduce you to the wonder that is pan-fried gnocchi. And once you’ve tried it, I believe that you will never settle for boiled, doughy gnocchi again. Pan-fried gnocchi is crispy, chewy, full of flavor and character, and holds its own well enough to be served plain and is...
a tray of deviled eggs on a wooden table

Make the Best Deviled Eggs ~ Because deviled eggs should be a little bit extra

Make the Best Deviled Eggs Because deviled eggs should be a little bit extra Soy Marinated Deviled Eggs Deviled eggs occupy an interesting space in the food world. When they are cooked perfectly and filled with creamy, inspired flavors, deviled eggs are one of the most interesting ways to enjoy eggs. Too often, though, deviled eggs are a questionable mash-up of bland, over-cooked yolks, with too much mayonnaise, and too much mustard, before being “fancied up” with too much pickle relish. The...
tamales and fried eggs

It's Time to Make Tamales ~ It's WAY easier than you think!

It's Time to Make Tamales It's WAY easier than you think! Tamales are a beloved, celebratory food that has been made in Guatemala and Mexico since 5000 BC. This highly portable, endlessly customizable, inexpensive bit of deliciousness is primarily made from masa (a kind of corn meal), oil or butter, broth or water, dried corn husks, and a filling of your choice. While tamales have a reputation for being a labor of love requiring many hours of work by many people, I’d like to show you that...