The Best Way to Cook Gnocchi ~ No boiling water needed

The Best Way to Cook Gnocchi

No boiling water needed

I’m going to tell you a secret.

Ready? Here it is: Gnocchi doesn’t need to be boiled.

What’s more, gnocchi is infinitely better when it’s not boiled. Today, I’d like to introduce you to the wonder that is pan-fried gnocchi. And once you’ve tried it, I believe that you will never settle for boiled, doughy gnocchi again.

Pan-fried gnocchi is crispy, chewy, full of flavor and character, and holds its own well enough to be served plain and is even better when paired with just about any sauce you can imagine. Pesto? Yes! Marinara? Most definitely. Chimichurri? An inspired choice. Salsa? Of course! Brown butter and sage? Ahhhhh! Now we’re talking!

Whether you’ve just spent an hour (or more) lovingly hand-rolling your soft, fluffy gnocchi (I teach a class on this if you’d like to know how!), or cracked open a vacuum-packed cube of shelf-stable gnocchi from the store (no judgment!), you can bypass the boiling water and drop your gnocchi directly in a hot skillet with some olive oil or browned butter. Add some dried herbs, a couple of cloves of minced garlic, a few chile flakes, and toss the gnocchi. Sprinkle on some salt and cracked black pepper. Let the gnocchi brown on one side, then toss it again. When it’s brown and crispy all over, sauce it and plate it with a dusting of shredded parmesan and more black pepper.

Want to make this a truly one-pan dinner? Saute some veg in the same hot skillet with a splash of olive oil before you add the gnocchi. Broccoli or cauliflower florets, cherry tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, baby spinach, red peppers, or zucchini moons would all be great places to start. Cook the veg until it’s about 10 minutes from done. Add a little more olive oil or butter and the gnocchi and cook as directed above.

Dinner is served spectacularly in under 20 minutes. Enjoy!

With much love and toasted gnocchi ~
