Fresh Tomato Sauce

Fresh Tomato Sauce

It's the best use of ripe summer tomatoes

Now that summer is upon us, I’m imagining all of the ways I can use the bounty of beautiful, fragrant seasonal fruits and veggies that are stacked at the market. Tarts and pies with mounds of plums and nectarines will be made. Cobblers and crisps oozing with sweet, jammy berries will be baked. And tomatoes, finally coming into their own, will play a starring role in so many dishes - grilled cheese sandwiches perfected with a thick slice of fresh tomato, Caprese salads with alternating stacks of mozzarella, basil, and tomato drizzled with olive oil and my favorite - fresh tomato sauce. It’s truly the best use of really good tomatoes.

Made with just a few ingredients - tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, basil, salt, and black pepper - fresh tomato sauce is a fast and easy way to make the most of ripe tomatoes. It’s fantastic tossed with pasta, spooned over polenta, served as bruschetta on rounds of sliced baguette, as a dipping sauce for toasted pita points or tortilla chips, and can even be the sauce on homemade pizza.

Let's Make Fresh Tomato Sauce


1 pound of tomatoes

2 tablespoons of olive oil

2 or more cloves of garlic

Handful of fresh basil


Black pepper


Core and coarsely chop the tomatoes. If you are using canned tomatoes, drain the liquid.

Peel and smash the garlic, leaving large pieces.

Put the chopped tomatoes and garlic in a bowl, and drizzle in the olive oil. Sprinkle in salt and pepper.

Use a potato masher or large fork to break up and mash the tomatoes.

Stir in the basil, saving a few leaves to garnish

Set aside at room temperature to let the flavors combine.

Remove the garlic just before serving. Add reserved basil leaves and serve.

A few ideas to customize your fresh tomato sauce

  • Add chile flakes (as much as you’d like) for a kick.
  • Use many more cloves of garlic
  • Sprinkle in a handful of shredded parmesan cheese or small cubes of feta or mozzarella
  • Add a tablespoon or two of finely chopped olives or tapenade
  • A splash of balsamic vinegar adds a bit of acidity
  • Stir in a tablespoon of pesto
  • Add in any fresh herbs - oregano, thyme or rosemary
  • Add minced jalapeno, cilantro, and finely diced white onion to make Pico de Gallo. Pro tip: rinse the diced onion in cold water reduces the sharp aroma. Omit the basil.

What kind of tomatoes should I use?

Plum or cherry tomatoes are generally my tomato of choice when it's not prime tomato season as they seem to arrive in the markets a little earlier, but use any ripe tomato you prefer. If ripe tomatoes are not to be found, high-quality canned plum tomatoes, whole or diced (not sauce!), are a great option. Drain off any liquid before using.

This week's recipe, Fettuccini with Fresh Tomato Sauce, is a great way to use your new tomato sauce making skills. It's easy to make, comes together in about 30 minutes and tastes like summer. It's one of my favorites.

Cheers -
